Submitting your articles to an article directory, or even better to a great number of article directories, has become one of the most popular forms of advertising on the internet today. The reason for this is simple - by writing articles about your product or service, or maybe your website or blog - you will build authority and reputation in the eyes of your readers and in the search engines With so many article writers and marketers out there wanting to publish their articles, it comes as no surprise that the competition among the directories is getting tougher. The latest fling in order to attract more writers to submit their content is a thing called revenue sharing.
In this we will discuss the difference between an article directory that features revenue sharing and one that does not By tradition, article writers would seek out the highest ranking article directories on the web to submit their work to - hoping to get published and republished by other authors or websites. This is still one of the most proven and effective methods of article marketing, providing great exposure for any articles submitted, and also visibility in search engines. By consistently providing fresh content to high quality directories, writers and marketers continue to build link authority for their work
Having this said, there are so many article directories available on the internet that it would frankly be impossible for them to compete with directories that have millions of authors and articles registered with them This does not mean that these smaller directories are poor in any way, it simply means that they can not compete on the same level and that they need a twist, or a unique selling point, if you will. This is where revenue sharing comes in.
So what does revenue sharing mean in regards to submitting articles to directories? Well, when an article directory claims to feature revenue sharing, this simply means that the directory in question will share any advertising revenue with their authors or members As you probably know, most article directories display some kind of advertisements on their home page, or within the articles that are being submitted The article directory may earn money when a reader clicks on the ad, or performs some other action such as purchasing the product or service for which the advertisement is for When the directory share these earnings with contributors in any form, well, then revenue sharing is in fact in place.
The model for sharing revenue with writers may differ substantially from directory to directory, however, usually authors receive a percentage cut from all of the earnings generated. Most of the times these percentages vary from 30%-50%, but there are some article directories that credit a full 100% revenue share to their members Needless to say, such directories will have other means of earning money for maintaining the directory and staying in profit.
So which is the best? Submitting articles to the traditional high quality article directories - or the ones that feature revenue sharing? Well, in my opinion, these two options does not necessarily have to exclude each other While the quality directories will give writers the link authority that they are looking for in the longterm, the revenue sharing directories may instead provide a momentary boost of traffic - and possibly some quick cash. Due to the recent popularity gained by article directories, and article marketing in general, my recommendation is to submit your content to any established directory you may find. After all, plenty of links displaying your product, service, website or blog in a nice way can never be wrong.
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